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Unnat Seeds - Hybird and Research Seeds Suppliers in India

Welcome to Unnat Seeds

Unnat Seeds is a Registard trade mark of unnat india. Unnat Seeds is a key stakeholder in fueling Green Revolution that begins with the seed, the most decisive input in agriculture. Genetically enhanced premium quality seed has been the hallmark of Unnat Seeds for more than 18 years, The Unnat Seeds Company has vast experience in seed production of major agricultural crops backed by a very strong in-house Research & Devlopment programme for crops Mustard, Cotton, Sunflower, Maize, Hybrid bajra ( Pearlmillet), Jowar(sorghum), Peddy(rice) and all vegetable crops. With over 250 acres of farm land owned by the Unnat Seeds Company and dedicated team of researchers, the unnat india company is conscious of the changing needs of farmers and consumers to design and develop productive hybrids that excel in market and fetch rewarding returns. Being India’s leading seed brand.

Unnat Seeds :- Vision 

"To be the most preferred seed brand in india in all the crops like Cotton, Mustard, Hybrid Bajra, Peddy (rice), Jower (sorghum), Maize and all Vegetable seeds."

The founder of the company is Mr.Tejender Kumar Sharma is coming from farmer family, having 20 years experience in production sale and marketing of agricultural seeds and chemicals. The registered office & research and development center of the company are located at Mubarikpur District Alwar Rajasthan -301025.

Unnat Seeds was established in 2005 as Agriculture trading company. Over the years our product were expanded. Unnat India was established to provide its customers Best Quality Product and Services. Our staff has extensive experience with products, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality, reliability, and speed. We bring Pure Safe and Hygienic Quality Product to you.

Client’s satisfaction is our motto. We’re engaged in setting up a reliable product quality control system and good credit. To improve our product quality and meet our customers’ changing requirements, we devote ourselves to broadening the range of products and keep focusing on technology innovation. Unnat India also conduct processing on clients’ samples or orders. Your inquiry is welcome.

Please contact us for any information that you may need. | | +91-9540019555


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